
Bikini Kill

Since the 4rth of november 2021, Frac Centre-Val Loire has welcomed in its courtyard the work of Sammy Engramer Bikini Kill that provokes and challenges. An original painter, he is interested in sculpture and the object. He questions the relationship between art, object and discourse.

With Bikini Kill it diverts the classic use of the Vauban barrier, urban furniture commonly used to channel crowds and avoid overflows. He transforms it into a support to promote a feminist message: Fuck Patriarchy. Its disproportionate scale (430 cm x 620 cm, against 110 x 230 cm originally) challenges and questions

The name of the work Bikini Kill comes from an American punk rock band of the 1990s, considered as a precursor of the alternative rock musical movement and the feminist movement Riot Grrrl. The activism of the group gradually infuses the ideas of Pop-Feminism into the musical universe.

The acquisition of this work is part of the first commitment of our Manifesto of the Fabrique du Réel, where we wish to think of the Frac as a laboratory of feminist democracy.